Anyone who has ever written an eBook quickly learns that in the online world, the cover is the single most important way to position the book. Great covers can attract interest and get sales. When people search the Amazon Kindle, Apple iBook, or Google Play stores, they really have no choice but to judge books by their covers as they quickly scan the vast selection available.
That’s why authors have begun to hire designers – to help them design a book that sells.
This week, we are giving you a free online course so you can easily learn how to make an awesome eBook cover in Photoshop. Instructor Phil Ebiner will take you through basic design theory, eBook cover research and additional tips on how to really make a cover that sells and impresses your clients.
“Design Your Own eBook Cover That Sells: The Complete Guide”
Find standard eBook cover size specifications. To start making the cover, open up a new project in Photoshop and implement the settings below. While these settings are standard, it would be helpful to learn the different sizes and formats for all online eBook publishers. Amazon Kindle’s recommended height and width is listed below.
- Preset: Custom
- Height and Width: 1600 px x 2400 px
- {Amazon Kindle Recommended}: 1563 px x 2500 px
- Resolution: 300 px/inch
- Color: RGB
- Background Color: Transparent
Design for a purpose. One of the most important things to think about is your eBook cover as a thumbnail. This is how people are going to decide whether or not they want to purchase the book, so it’s important to prioritize this thumbnail when designing.
Add and format text properly. Learn how to customize and edit the text on the cover. This tutorial will walk you through all of the different options available to you in Photoshop.
Do your research when picking an image. When you need an image for the cover, learn how to properly do your research and find the perfect image using stock photography sites. Our parent company, Shutterstock, is used here, and here’s our own Bigstock homepage link.
Save your eBook cover in the Proper Format. You’re done creating the cover! Now make sure you are saving it in the proper format. This simple tutorial walks you through the process pretty quickly.
Hope you enjoyed the course – let us know how your eBook covers turn out! And, to try Skillfeed for a full week for free, click our special offer below.