When you decide to create a blog of your own, there is one thing you should always keep in mind. Pictures are as important as your article body. A perfect article that took a week to be written can become “low quality” if your images are too small, blurred, or poorly visible. When you write…
Amazing imagery is becoming more and more essential when creating your online presence, which is why we’re happy to announce our new partnership with Wix.com, a leading cloud-based web development platform with over 56 million users. Wix users will now have access to millions of royalty-free images from Bigstock without ever having to leave the…
Read More5 Tips for Blogging on WordPress
Last year, we shared some tips for blogging on Squarespace. And we even shared updated tips when Squarespace changed some things around. So, we’ve decided to keep sharing the blog tip love with our WordPress-using friends. One out of every six websites – that’s roughly 60 million – uses either WordPress.org, the self-hosted installation, or…
Read More5 Tips For Blogging on Squarespace
In the world of website builders, Squarespace is one that is more suitable for blogging than others, and it can produce some really clean, nice-looking blogs. Their goal is to be ultra easy-to-use, but it has some new and novel features that not everyone is used to in the website building/blogging world. Here are a few insidery tips to help you navigate the innovative site.
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