Summer was filled with poolside martinis, hot dog legs on beaches, and outdoor brunches that last all day. Yet, as much as we loved summer, we can’t help but adore the tidings of general coziness that come with fall. From the Autumn Equinox to Thanksgiving, we happily anticipate all of the festive food that fills the fall season. Speaking of fall food, is there a more perfect autumnal dessert than pie?
Below you’ll find a collection of stunning royalty-free photos featuring our favorite seasonal pies, from sweet to savory. And, should wish to attempt to create them yourself, be sure to visit the delectable holiday pie recipes on Food52. Or, if you just want further picturesque pie inspiration, check out our holiday pies lightbox below this gallery. Happy holidays.

For more pie love, check out our Holiday Pies lightbox below, filled with royalty-free photos seasonal pies and desserts.